The Cadillac Model

This homeschool mom makes a one click purchase for a complete boxed curriculum which includes every fiction and non-fiction book the child needs for the entire year, all maps, timelines, tables, charts, dvd’s and consumable workbooks to go along with each subject, and brand new teacher guides and planner. She has also found the local teacher store and purchased all of the flashcards, thematic decorations, and enough laminating pouches to seal her entire state. Her mailman will have a frequent workout when he delivers the monthly science experiment kit subscription and high-end dress-up costumes for each of the time periods her child will cover that year in history.

She has spent the afternoon on the phone enrolling her child in gymnastics, the pottery wheel art class, homeschool debate team, Latin tutor and private ukulele lessons. She set up a separate debit account to pay for fueling her brand new vehicle so she can drive the kids there, too. She starts the process all over for her second child.

These kids will have a top-notch education for sure. But, since many homeschooling families are one-income, this is unrealistic and somewhat overwhelming to the rest of us.


Then, there’s the Kia Model…

…what most of us drive. Sometimes it’s tough to be creative and figure out solutions to a tight homeschool budget, but it can be done. Here are some few ideas to help get those Kia wheels turning!

Make friends with the librarians at your local library and a nearby college campus library, especially if the campus has an elementary education program. Become a master at looking in your curriculum a few weeks ahead and requesting books via inter-library loans.

-Find a budget-friendly co-op to join. For example, these groups often share the cost of bringing in a great choir teacher (the local minister of music, perhaps) and work to keep the cost of all classes as low as possible.

-While at that co-op, scope out the members to find another parent you connect with and ask if she’d like to swap childcare sometimes.

-You probably don’t have time to clip coupons and study sale ads, but become as thrifty of a shopper as possible. Stock up on basic school supplies, after the public schools have started. You can find 24 count crayons for $.25 . . . and it’s the “real” brand, too!

-Create an online shopping “wish list” as a reminder of things to grab is they are put on clearance or sold elsewhere second-hand.

-Locate a few bloggers that are willing to share neat worksheets and downloads for free

-In the early years, most all science experiments can be done with simple ingredients found in your kitchen cabinet. Stick with those.

-Sign-up to receive email updates from your state’s homeschool groups. You’ll hear about used-curriculum sales and individuals trying to unload their microscopes, musical instruments, learning toys, and the like.

– Hire a high schooler to teach music lessons. It will be considerably less expensive, albeit a little less professional, but both the teacher and student will learn a lot.

-Make a few phone calls or dig around online to see if your local community college allows high schoolers to take classes. Where I live, high school juniors and seniors can take up to 18 college credits for free each year and transfer those credits to any university when they graduate. (Hello, I don’t have to teach upper level chemistry or underwater basket weaving!!!)

-And finally, when the grandparents call to ask what the kids what for Christmas or birthdays, suggest a family membership to the science museum, or, if you’re adventurous, the nearby rock climbing gym. That would be a great place to go during those tough winter days!

Online curriculum can be a very cost-effective source for excellent learning. United Digital Learning offers a monthly subscription that is perfect for families that are homeschooling on a budget. With a choice of six curriculum programs, families can choose the best option for their students and pay-as-you-go – or more accurately, pay-as-you-learn!


So, Team Kia, your kids will also have a top notch education. Make sure you have your essentials covered, sprinkle in a few fun things to keep your days fresh and to keep your chin up! Don’t be discouraged and don’t fall into the trap of comparing your situation to the other families around you.

Lindsay Banton is a caffeinated mother to three great kids. She never expected to homeschool, but has found that it is a wonderful addition to their lifestyle and wouldn’t change it for the world. In addition to homeschooling, Lindsay works alongside her husband in campus ministry at a large university in Connecticut. She grew up in Virginia but has settled into life in New England, learning to love the long winters, cool springs, green summers and gorgeous autumns- and has built a boot collection to meet all the demands. She is currently blogging at