Grade 7 - English

Building Vocabulary 7 (Credit: 0.25)

This title includes the identification and use of closed, open, and accented syllables, using a pronunciation key, synonyms, antonyms, words in context, words borrowed from names and places, foreign phrases, test-taking strategies, identifying the /y/ sound in words, vowel clusters, separate sounds for the consonants "c," "g," and "s," and the sound of /ph/.

Language Usage 7 (Credit: 0.25)

Language Usage VII introduces students to the writing process, review of all parts of speech, active and passive voice, progressive tense verbs, interrogative, demonstrative, relative, and indefinite pronouns, sentence fragments, run-on sentences, phrases and clauses, coordinating conjunctions, verbals, and review of punctuation.

Reading 7 (Credit: 0.25)

Reading VII teaches and reviews verbs, consonants, vowels, word analysis skills including Greek and Latin words, connotation and denotation, word similarities, abbreviations, comprehension skills including classifying, comparing and contrasting, recognizing cause and effect, point of view, literary terms, elements of fiction, examples of newspaper writing, poetry, drama, and figurative language. Selected authors include Dickens, Twain, Washington, Crane, Stevenson, Hardy, London, Shelley, Dryden, and Sidney.

Writing 7 (Credit: 0.25)

Writing VII includes topic areas: identifying the audience, writing introductory and concluding sentences using a variety of techniques, organization skills, identifying sentence types and their punctuation, writing narrative and expository stories, summarizing skills, writing biographical sketches, essays, and creative writing.

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