Grade 5 - English

Building Vocabulary 5 (Credit: 0.25)

This title covers parts of the dictionary, open and accented syllables, review of the eight parts of speech, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, homographs, prefixes, suffixes, Latin and Greek roots, core vocabulary words, short and long vowel sounds, words that have the /ur/ sound, words ending in the letter "y," consonants, digraphs, and the /or/ sound.

Language Usage 5 (Credit: 0.25)

In Language Usage V the course continues with a review of nouns, review of verbs including troublesome and irregular verbs, subjective, objective, and possessive pronouns, apostrophes, punctuation of bibliographies, titles, letters, dialogue, comparative and superlative modifiers, direct objects, identifying shifts in tense, diagramming simple and compound sentences, review of parts of speech, problem words, parallelism, and review of capitalization.

Reading 5 (Credit: 0.25)

Reading V covers sound-letter correspondences, blends, digraphs, diphthongs, review of vowels, verbs, contractions, plurals, word analysis skills including suffixes, prefixes, analogies, connotation and denotation, pronunciation and syllabification, comprehension skills including sequencing and classifying, recognizing main ideas, story elements, prior knowledge, reading selections to demonstrate setting, reality and fantasy, poetry, short stories, propaganda and bias, narrative and expository materials, and high frequency words. Selected authors include Irving, Burnett, Tennyson, Emerson, Twain, and Wordsworth.

Writing 5 (Credit: 0.25)

Writing V reviews the writing process, writing using a variety of writing strategies, sequencing ideas, writing complete sentences, identifying run-on sentences and sentence fragments, formal and informal language in writing, writing analogies, using the library to access information, summarizing, writing sketches, ideas and opinions, essays, poetry, drama, and folk literature.

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