Grade 12 - Texas Science

Core: Texas Integrated Physics & Chemistry (Credit: 1.00)

Integrated Physics and Chemistry explores the nature of force, motion, energy, and matter. Course topics include kinematics, force, momentum, waves, atoms, the periodic table, molecular bonding, chemical reactivity, electricity, and nuclear energy. The course provides students with opportunities to learn and practice scientific skills within the context of relevant scientific questions. Scientific inquiry skills are embedded in the direct instruction, through which students learn to ask scientific questions, deconstruct claims, form and test hypotheses, and use logic and evidence to draw conclusions about the concepts. Lab activities reinforce skills related to writing, communication, and critical thinking, in addition to helping students develop a deeper understanding of the nature of science. Throughout this course, students are given an opportunity to understand how physics and chemistry concepts are applied in technology and engineering. The content is specifically aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Integrated Physics and Chemistry Standards and Benchmarks. Course Materials Semesters 1 and 2: Optional This course includes the option of either hands-on or dry lab activities. Dry labs require no additional lab materials. Hands-on labs require specified materials. For a list of hands-on lab materials, go to

Core: Texas Integrated Physics and Chemistry Semester 1 (Credit: 0.50)

This course is only semester 1 of Texas Integrated Physics and Chemistry.

Core: Texas Integrated Physics and Chemistry Semester 2 (Credit: 0.50)

This course is only semester 2 of Texas Integrated Physics and Chemistry.

Core: Texas Physics (Credit: 1.00)

Texas Physics is specifically aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Physics Standards and Benchmarks. The course offers a curriculum that emphasizes students' understanding of fundamental physics concepts while helping them acquire tools to be conversant in a society highly influenced by science and technology. The course provides students with opportunities to learn and practice critical scientific skills within the context of relevant scientific questions. Topics include the nature of science, math for physics, energy, kinetics, force and motion, momentum, gravitation, chemistry for physics, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, waves, nuclear physics, quantum physics, and cosmology. Scientific inquiry skills are embedded in the direct instruction, wherein students learn to ask scientific questions, form and test hypotheses, and use logic and evidence to draw conclusions about the concepts. Lab activities reinforce critical thinking, writing, and communication skills and help students develop a deeper understanding of the nature of science. Throughout the course, students are given the opportunity to understand how physics concepts are applied in technology and engineering. Journal and Practice activities provide additional opportunities for students to apply learned concepts and practice their writing. The content is specifically aligned with the TEKS Physics Standards and Benchmarks. Course Materials Semesters 1 and 2: Optional This course includes the option of either hands-on or dry lab activities. Dry labs require no additional lab materials. Hands-on labs require specified materials. For a list of hands-on lab materials, go to

Core: Texas Physics Semester 1 (Credit: 0.50)

This course is only semester 1 of Texas Physics.

Core: Texas Physics Semester 2 (Credit: 0.50)

This course is only semester 2 of Texas Physics.

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