Grade 10 - Mathematics
Core: Geometry (Credit: 1.00)
Geometry provides a curriculum focused on the mastery of critical skills and the understanding of key geometric concepts. Through a "Discovery-Confirmation-Practice" based exploration of geometric concepts, students are challenged to work toward a mastery of computational skills, to deepen their conceptual understanding of key ideas and solution strategies, and to extend their knowledge in a variety of problem-solving applications. Course topics include reasoning, proof, and the creation of a sound mathematical argument; points, lines, and angles; triangles; quadrilaterals and other polygons; circles; coordinate geometry; and three-dimensional solids. The course concludes with a look at special topics in geometry, such as constructions, symmetry, tessellations, fractals, and non-Euclidean geometry.
Within each Geometry lesson, students are supplied with a scaffolded note-taking guide, called a "Study Sheet," as well as a post-study "Checkup" activity, providing them the opportunity to hone their computational skills by working through a low-stakes, 10-question problem set before moving on to a formal assessment. Unit-level Geometry assessments include a computer-scored test and a scaffolded, teacher-scored test.
To assist students for whom language presents a barrier to learning or who are not reading at grade level, Geometry includes audio resources in both Spanish and English.
The content is based on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards and is aligned to state standards.
Core: Geometry Semester 1 (Credit: 0.50)This course is only semester 1 of Geometry.
Core: Geometry Semester 2 (Credit: 0.50)This course is only semester 2 of Geometry.
Core: Mathematics II (Credit: 1.00)Mathematics II extends students' geometric knowledge and introduces them to quadratic expressions, equations, and functions, exploring the relationship between these and their linear and exponential counterparts. Students learn through discovery and application, developing the skills they need to break down complex challenges and demonstrate their knowledge in new situations.
Course topics include extending the number system; quadratic functions and modeling; expressions and equations; applications of probability; similarity, right-triangle trigonometry, and proof; and circles with and without coordinates.
This course supports all students as they develop computational fluency and deepen conceptual understanding. Students begin each lesson by discovering new concepts through guided instruction, and then confirm their understanding in an interactive, feedback-rich environment. Modeling activities equip students with tools for analyzing a variety of real-world scenarios and mathematical ideas. Journaling activities allow students to reason abstractly and quantitatively, construct arguments, critique reasoning, and communicate precisely. Performance tasks prepare students to synthesize their knowledge in novel, real-world scenarios and require that they make sense of multifaceted problems and persevere in solving them.
Core: Mathematics II Semester 1 (Credit: 0.50)This course is only semester 1 of Mathematics II.
Core: Mathematics II Semester 2 (Credit: 0.50)This course is only semester 2 of Mathematics II.
Honors: Geometry (Credit: 1.00)Geometry is a comprehensive course that provides an in-depth exploration of geometric concepts. Through a "Discovery-Confirmation-Practice"-based exploration of these concepts, students are challenged to work toward a mastery of computational skills, to deepen their understanding of key ideas and solution strategies, and to extend their knowledge in a variety of problem-solving applications.
Course topics include reasoning, proof, and the creation of a sound mathematical argument; points, lines, and angles; triangles; quadrilaterals and other polygons; circles; coordinate geometry; and three-dimensional solids. The course concludes with a look at special topics in geometry, such as constructions, symmetry, tessellations, fractals, and non-Euclidean geometry.
Within each Geometry lesson, students are supplied with a post-study Checkup activity that provides them the opportunity to hone their computational skills in a low-stakes, 10-question problem set before moving on to formal assessment. Additionally, many Geometry lessons include interactive-tool-based exercises and math explorations to further connect lesson concepts to a variety of real-world contexts.
To assist students for whom language presents a barrier to learning, this course includes audio resources in both Spanish and English.
The content is based on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards and is aligned with state standards.
Honors: Geometry Semester 1 (Credit: 0.50)This course is only semester 1 of Honors Geometry.
Honors: Geometry Semester 2 (Credit: 0.50)This course is only semester 2 of Honors Geometry.
Math Foundations I (Credit: 1.00)Math Foundations I offers a structured remediation solution based on the NCTM Curricular Focal Points and is designed to expedite student progress in acquiring 3rd- to 5th-grade skills. The course is appropriate for use as remediation for students in grades 6 to 12. When used in combination, Math Foundations I and Math Foundations II (covering grades 6 to 8) effectively remediate computational skills and conceptual understanding needed to undertake high school–level math courses with confidence.
Math Foundations I empowers students to progress at their optimum pace through over 80 semester hours of interactive instruction and assessment spanning 3rd- to 5th-grade math skills. Carefully paced, guided instruction is accompanied by interactive practice that is engaging and accessible. Formative assessments help students to understand areas of weakness and improve performance, while summative assessments chart progress and skill development. Early in the course, students develop general strategies for honing their problem-solving skills. Subsequent units provide a problem-solving strand that asks students to practice applying specific math skills to a variety of real-world contexts.
The content is based on the National Council of Teachers of Math (NCTM) April 2006 publication, Curricular Focal Points for Prekindergarten through Grade 8 Mathematics: A Quest for Coherence, and is aligned with state standards.
Math Foundations I Semester 1 (Credit: 0.50)This course is only semester 1 of Math Foundations I.
Math Foundations I Semester 2 (Credit: 0.50)This course is only semester 2 of Math Foundations I.
Math Foundations II (Credit: 1.00)Based on the NCTM Curricular Focal Points, Math Foundations II is designed to expedite student progress in acquiring 6th- to 8th-grade skills. The course is appropriate for use as remediation at the high school level or as middle school curriculum. The program simultaneously builds the computational skills and conceptual understanding needed to undertake high school-level math courses with confidence.
The course's carefully paced, guided instruction is accompanied by interactive practice that is engaging and accessible. Formative assessments help students to understand areas of weakness and improve performance, while summative assessments chart progress and skill development. Early in the course, students develop general strategies for honing their problem-solving skills. Subsequent units provide a problem-solving strand that asks students to practice applying specific math skills to a variety of real-world contexts.
The content is based on the National Council of Teachers of Math (NCTM) April 2006 publication, Curricular Focal Points for Prekindergarten through Grade 8 Mathematics: A Quest for Coherence, and is aligned with state standards.
Math Foundations II Semester 1 (Credit: 0.50)This course is only semester 1 of Math Foundations II.
Math Foundations II Semester 2 (Credit: 0.50)This course is only semester 2 of Math Foundations II.